‘I want some clarifications on certain few questions’; Koo Ntakra on 23rd VGMA Xperience Concert


The Kofcity finest and talented rapper, Koo Ntakra has implored VGMA to give clarification on some few questions regarding their upcoming Xperience concert slated,18th April , 2022 at Koforidua Jubilee Park.

In a Facebook post, Koo Ntakra expressed his worries about how the billed performers from the host region (land lords) are handled in a by asking the following questions:

‘As VGMA is a big platform, with huge reverence. Is VGMA treating the said landlords well or the board is just in to “use” them in the name of we are giving you a platform?? The landlord’s also need RESPECT, as well doing  artiste from the Region, who have invested in their craft and need to be treated as such..’

‘Since they want us to perform the question is….. Are we performing for FREE? Because from my camp I had a call and when I asked about the budget they said “they are giving us the platform”.. A big platform therefore we should perform for free..?? ’   

‘An artiste has to fuel his or her car, buy some clothings and also put money in the craft to come and perform and it’s for free after all this toil..  What does the artiste reinvest into his craft, to keep the work going  to get the nomination for your scheme(s) later. We expect the artist to do all this things without paying them and you expect them to be on that big platform you re talking about…?? HOW ? ’ 

‘Because 9 years ago if you couldn’t pay the artiste and today you are not paying them, then it means 10 years to come too you  won’t pay the artist from the Region and various regions!!. WHY MUST IT BE SO?? ’


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